Mary Ann Cleary
2023 Essential Artist Award
Art is a way of expressing my inner feelings and spirit. I want my art to be like music for the soul, where the viewer is moved emotionally to a peaceful and meditative moment .I paint subjects that move and connect with me spiritually with a pastel stick or a loaded brush of oil paint as my tools. When creating my artwork, I transcend to a mysterious and magical weightlessness where any burdens of my conscientiousness are lifted. My spirit becomes one with my subject to a peaceful and serene state. There is tremendous power in visual imagery. I want my art to bring an interconnection to others and provide restoration
and healing to their spirit.
MaryAnn Cleary, a native Montanan and accomplished Chemical Engineer, has woven her love of fine art into every aspect of her life. As a well-seasoned global traveler, MaryAnn has lived throughout the American West, overseas on assignment in Suzhou, China, and has finally found her heart along the Rum River where she enjoys a lazy view of the riverside near Cambridge, MN. MaryAnn has always balanced her loves of both art and science, finding inspiration and relief in the study of fine art. With a backbone built on the basics of drawing and color, MaryAnn delights in plein air or on-site painting because it helps fund her wanderlust and creative time in her riverside studio.