
ECRAC Resiliency Grant for Arts Organizations

About This Grant

About This Grant

Dear ECRAC Community/Applicants,

We regret to inform you that due to an unprecedented volume of grant requests this year, our funds have been fully allocated. Consequently, we are compelled to closed this rolling grant deadline for the East Central Regional Arts Council Resiliency Arts and Cultural Heritage Funds as of March 3, 2025, at 11:59 pm.

This does not affect any other active ECRAC grant programs funded through The McKnight Foundation or the State's General Fund.

This decision is not one we take lightly. In the history of our organization, such occurrences have been rare. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding during this time.

We encourage you to apply in the next fiscal year for ACHF funds starting on the new rolling deadline of July 1, 2025. Early applications help us ensure that we can continue to fund deserving art projects and initiatives in the future.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the East Central Regional Arts Council’s mission.


ECRAC Board of Directors and Staff

The East Central Regional Arts Council (ECRAC) developed the Resiliency Grant to provide funding of up to $600 for artists and art organizations to undertake art projects online or in other forms during the current extraordinary circumstances of a pandemic and racial disparities.



The East Central Regional Arts Council (ECRAC) developed the Resiliency Grant in 2020 to provide funding of up to $600 for artists and art organizations to do art projects online, or in other forms, during the circumstances of a pandemic and systemic racial disparity. NEW: Currently this grant can still be used for these reasons and for any artists, culture bearers, or art organizations who have an urgent need or a sudden opportunity. These grants are available in Region 7E, the Minnesota Counties of Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine, and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe lands.

Projects may be in any form or discipline based on ECRAC’s definition of art. Funding cannot be used for another ECRAC grant funded project. Up to 3 Resiliency grants can be received per fiscal year by an applicant.

1. What art project is urgently needed by you or came up as a sudden opportunity? Or what project was delayed or postponed or affected due to the ongoing pandemic circumstances? Or what project was impacted due to historical systemic racial disparities?
2. What art project do you propose to do?
3. What anticipated impact will this project have for you as an artist, culture bearer, or organization?
4. What anticipated impact will this project have for others, your anticipated audience?
5. How will you know that you have been successful?
6. Please explain how exactly you would spend the money.

Optional Question: Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or your proposed project? We may contact you to ask additional questions or for clarifications.

Where to Apply

Where to Apply

All applications must be submitted through the ECRAC Grant Portal. Please refer to the tips below to help you navigate the new system.

Getting Started:
On your first visit to the ECRAC Grant Portal, you will need to create a new account with a username and password. Please note that if you are applying as an organization, your organization can only have one username and password for the online system. Please be sure to keep this information as you will need it again to access the Portal for grant requirements and for all future requests.

Returning to an Application:
Your application does not need to be completed in one session and can be returned to and edited until you formally submit the application. Please be sure to save your application often while working on it and before you exit the system. To return to your application, you can access the ECRAC Grant Portal through the Manage My Grant page. There you may logon using the email address and password you created the first time you entered.

Uploading Information:
There are fields in the application that will require you to upload information (documents, media, etc.). You will need to follow the system directions regarding file size and uploading. Please note that your information may not be completely uploaded until you click “Save”. Be sure to save your application often so as not to lose any progress or information.

Submitting an Application:
Once you have completed and reviewed your application, you may submit the application for funding consideration. Once an application has been submitted you will be able to view the application, but not edit or make any changes to it.


Quick Summary

Rolling deadline
Contact Information

For more assistance in navigating the ECRAC Grant Portal, please refer to the ECRAC Grant Portal Tutorial.

If you need further assistance navigating the ECRAC Grant Portal or have any other questions, please feel free to contact ECRAC by email at grantinfo@ecrac.org or by calling (320) 336-0200.