
Grant Information Sessions for Organizations: Online Zoom

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 10 - 11 am

Are you curious about the East Central Regional Arts Council (ECRAC) grant programs? Do you have questions about how to apply for a grant? Do you want to know if your art project is eligible for a grant? Join us for a grant info session and we can help answer questions like this and many more. The upcoming grant deadlines to apply are February 1, 2023, and April 1, 2023. If you are in Minnesota's Region 7E, the counties of Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Pine, art grant funds are available. Now is a great time to start thinking about applying.

ECRAC is offering grant information sessions in January, February and March for both artists and organizations. These sessions cover basic information about ECRAC grant programs, as well as recent changes to the grant application processes. If you have already attended a grant information session in the past, a refresher is a great way to keep you up to date!

Grant Information Sessions for Artists who want to learn about funding available for the upcoming grant deadlines will be both in-person and online. The in-person sessions will be held at the ECRAC office, 540 Weber Ave, Hinckley, on January 12th at 10am, February 17th at 2pm and March 7th at 10am. The online session will be held via Zoom on January 10th at 10am, February 15th at 2pm and March 9th at 10am.

If you’re with an art group, non-profit, school, or public entity and want to learn about funding available for your organization's art project for the upcoming ECRAC grant deadlines, ECRAC will host both in-person and online grant information sessions. The in-person sessions will be held at the ECRAC office, 540 Weber Ave, Hinckley on January 12th at 2pm, February 17th at 10am and March 7th at 2pm. The online session will be held via Zoom on January 10th at 2pm, February 15th at 10am and March 9th at 2pm.

For more information and to register for one of these sessions please contact Katina Eklund, Grant Program Officer, East Central Regional Arts Council, at grantinfo@ecrac.org or by calling 320-591-7034. Space will be limited for the in-person sessions. The links to the Zoom meetings can be emailed to you or found on the ECRAC Website: ecrac.org. We hope you can join us! If these dates don’t work for you, contact ECRAC to schedule a time that does.

This activity is made possible with funds provided by The McKnight Foundation and by the voters of Minnesota thanks to legislative appropriations from both the General Fund and the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

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