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IMAGE Art Show 2012
The IMAGE Art Show is an annual event open to any artist in Region 7E (including the MN counties of Chisago, Kanabec, Isanti, Mille Lacs, and Pine.) The Art Show and the awards honor some of the finest art in the area.
Artist Statement
Artist Statement
The judges for the show were David Bratzel and Daniel Gardner. According to Bratzel "The quality of the artwork was very high." Sue Gens, Executive Director of the Minnesota State Arts Board was in attendance and she stated that IMAGE was "an incredible celebration of all art forms and that the Kanabec County Art Association did a tremendous job."

kiefer, freed

hawkins, mother nature's design

cleary, serenity

hendricks, bed of roses

salverda, mindscape

image art show 2012

image art show 2012

one for daddy o, image art show opening

johnson, the best days of summer

sibley, 1948 ford

morris, wild hearts

nieboer, worldview 101